Monday, December 6, 2010

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography
·         The FBI website talks about the procedure and everyday life of an agent when at work. From counterterrorism to white collar crimes and everything in between throughout the United States. The FBI websites also have the core values of the Agency. The website also has quick facts about the Agency, such as their budget and motto to priorities and mission.

2.      Counterterrorism: A Game-Theoretic Analysis
Daniel G. Arce M., Todd Sandler
The Journal of Conflict Resolution
Vol. 49, No. 2, The Political Economy of Transnational Terrorism (Apr., 2005), pp. 183-200 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc.
Stable URL:

·         This article is all about the difference between terrorism and counterterrorism, and how governments around the world are developing counterterrorism agencies and groups to stop and deter the terrorism in their country. It defines the word counterterrorism and what the agencies do. It also talks about the preemptive strikes from the terrorist groups from the Middle Eastern countries.

3.       What Terrorists Really Want: Terrorist Motives and Counterterrorism Strategy
Max Abrahms
International Security
Vol. 32, No. 4 (Spring, 2008), pp. 78-105
Published by: The MIT Press
Stable URL:

·         This article talks about the counterterrorism strategy and the strategic model of the dominant paradigm in terrorism studies. It also explains why terrorists do what they do and why they do it, just to put a scare in people. The article says “The actual record of terrorist behavior does not conform to the strategic model's premise that terrorists are rational actors primarily motivated to achieving political ends.”

4.       US Counterterrorism before Bin Laden
Timothy Naftali
International Journal
Vol. 60, No. 1 (Winter, 2004/2005), pp. 25-34
Published by: Canadian International Council
Stable URL:

·         This article talks about the counterterrorism policies, or the lack of policies, before Bin Laden and the 9/11 attacks. The lack of policies before the 9/11 attacks led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. It also explains the reason why the U.S had so little policies for counterterrorism before the attacks.

5.       Counterterrorism: A New Organizing Principle for American National Security?
James Steinberg
The Brookings Review
Vol. 20, No. 3 (Summer, 2002), pp. 4-7
Published by: The Brookings Institution
Stable URL:

·         This article talks about counterterrorism as a staple in the policies in the U.S National Security. How the policies came to be policies and what the agencies do with counterterrorism.

6.       Assessing U.S. Strategy in the War on Terror
Stephen Van Evera
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Vol. 607, Confronting the Specter of Nuclear Terrorism (Sep., 2006), pp. 10-26
Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. in association with the American Academy of Political and Social Science
Stable URL:

·         The article talks about what the U.S strategy and what they are doing with that strategy in the War on Terror. Because of the Al Qaeda attacks in the U.S, the U.S government changed their tactics to fight the War on Terror in the Middle East. The strategy in the War on Terror is more offensive, rarely defensive to assert power over the terrorists.

7.       Counterterrorism's New Tool: 'Metanetwork' Analysis
John Bohannon
New Series, Vol. 325, No. 5939 (Jul. 24, 2009), pp. 409-411
Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science
Stable URL:

·         The article explains the new tool in the War on Terrorism known as the Metanetwork Analysis. Metanetwork Analysis is basically a social network analysis used by the U. S Military to catch the terrorists groups and keep track of the groups and their movements. Some people think they are putting too much time in this analysis but the analysis has helped the U.S Military keep track of terrorist movements, which is basically counterterrorism.

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